Academic Term Papers and Essays
for Nursing Students

Choose from our selection of term papers and essays for Nursing Students.

Nursing Papers on:
Nursing Shortages Here to Stay


NP role in EDs/Study Article Critique »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper that offers a summary and critique of a research study conducted by Thrasher and Purc-Stephenson (2008), which investigated the satisfaction levels of patients seen by nurse practitioners within the context of the emergency department environment. No additional sources cited.

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Hospice Care, Dying, and Death »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page paper that uses both interviews and research to investigate the nature of care for patients who are dying. The hospice program is described and discussed from a predominantly nursing point of view. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Teaching About STIs to Young Teens »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that offers a proposed nursing educational plan for teaching session with high school freshmen concerning sexually transmitted infections. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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Non-Clinical Director Functions »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper/essay that provides to a nursing student on who to describe observations of the duties of the director of hospital non-clinical services, such as housekeeping and maintenance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Nurse Attendees Responses to an Educational Program »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page paper looks at the results that may have been obtained from a questionnaire to assess the attendees reactions to a nurse training program. The questionnaire is implemented following a one day training program to prepare for implementing a fall prevention program.

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Women's Mental Health/Depression »

Number of Pages: 11

An 11 page research paper that offers discusses depression and women, offering an analysis of literature that examines both physical and social issues associated with women and depression and then discusses implications for nursing practice. Paper includes 10 pages of text and 1 appendix. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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Stem Cell Research: Societal Implications »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page overview of the societal implications of this controversial research. The author approaches the subject from the perspective of the scientist and the nurse who are directly and peripherally involved in the research. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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Now Night Nurses on an Intensive Care Unit »

Number of Pages: 10

This 10 page paper is about using socioecological techniques to determine whether the local Irvington, NJ, hospital should add two nurses for night ICU duty. The information in this paper can be applied to similar assessments at other urban hospitals. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

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A Summary and Analysis of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page essay that summarizes and analyzes the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics. The writer also comments on its content and implications. No additional sources cited.

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Heart Disease Prevention and the Role of a Canadian Nurse »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page research paper that discusses how nurses are involved in health and wellbeing as it relates to heart disease prevention. The writer discusses this topic in relation to the five categories of health promotion listed in the Ottawa Charter of 1986. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

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Moral Distress and Futile Care »

Number of Pages: 15

This 15 page research paper explores the question: Does the delivery of perceived futile care cause the critical care nurse ethical and moral distress? The writer concludes from this investigation of recent literature that the answer is yes and discusses the issues involved. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

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Cultural Influences on Medical Care; Indian Hindus »

Number of Pages: 5

This 5 page paper looks at the way in which culture can influence attitudes towards health and medical care. The paper looks at the Indian Hindu culture and how it may impact on the way an nursing intervention are undertaken. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

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Clinical Supervision of Nurses in the NHS; Professional, Legal and Ethical Perspectives »

Number of Pages: 8

This 8 page paper looks at the increasing importance of clinical supervision for nurses in the UK's National Health Service. The approach is being adopted with the aim of performance management and quality improvement. The use of supervision is considers from a professional perspective, the legal perspective and the ethical perspective. The bibliography cites 20 ...

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Health Care - Studies on Governance »

Number of Pages: 5

This 5 page paper provides an overview of elements of health care administration. This report is based on Naish's article Natural Born Leader, published in the December 1997 Nursing Times, whichh outlines the issue of leadership in health care environments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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The Role of the Registered Nurse in Educating Teens about STDs/HIV »

Number of Pages: 6

This 6 page paper describes the way in which RNs can educate teens about sexually transmitted diseases, and why a nurse, rather than another medical professional, is the person to do so. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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APNs and Cardiology »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that describes the practice of advanced practice nurses (APNs) specializing in cardiology within the context of a hypothetical interview. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Nurses & Liability Insurance »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page research paper that discusses whether or not nurses should purchase individual liability insurance. This examination of this issue looks at the issues involved in this debate and what experts advise in order to determine a reasonable position based on current fact. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

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Gibbs Cycle Analysis of Constipation in the Elderly »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page paper assessing an interview with a long term care nurse revealing non-drug interventions to relieve constipation in the elderly, assess using Gibbs model of reflection. The paper includes four interview questions. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

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Historical Theories on Health, Education, Society and the Individual »

Number of Pages: 12

A 12 page paper discussing what the work of four educational theorists -- Maria Montessori, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi -- can offer to health professionals in the field of nursing. Bibliography lists ten sources.

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Patient Care and Individual Differences »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page review of two nursing articles dealing with patient care. The author of this paper provides an overview of each article, its presentation style, and findings, and identifies similarities in the message being conveyed by both articles. In addition to the direct impacts to health, illness and injury can result in ...

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IOM Ecological Model/Bioterrorism »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page research paper that discusses the threat of bioterrorism from the viewpoint of the IOM ecological model and how this applies to nursing. One page of this paper is an outline. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Mandatory Overtime for Nurses »

Number of Pages: 10

A 10 page research paper that discusses the issue of mandatory overtime for nurses and its effects and ramifications. The writer discusses the background to this issue, as well as political, social, and economic aspects. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

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Role of Nurse Practitioners and Reimbursement »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that discusses the role of nurse practitioners (NPs) in today's healthcare delivery system and the issue of reimbursement. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Nurses' Gossip Research Article Assessment »

Number of Pages: 5

This 5 page paper revues the research methods adopted by a paper on the role of gossip in the socialisation of nurses. The ethical, moral and practical implications are considered and the relevance of the results with regard to the methods used are discussed. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

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The Use of the Clicker System »

Number of Pages: 8

This 8 page paper provides an overview of the use of a clicker system as a technology in nursing education. The bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Marketing the Visiting Nurse Association »

Number of Pages: 10

This 10-page paper examines the Visiting Nurse Association, its services and how it uses marketing practices. Also included is a literature review about how non-profit organizations market their services and raise funds. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

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Arthritis Clinic Led by Nurse Practitioners »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page research paper that discusses the ramifications of establishing a nurse practitioner-led clinic for rheumatoid arthritis, with emphasis on doing this in the United Kingdom. The writer discusses the efficacy and cost effectiveness of NP care, as well as general guidelines for establishing such a clinic. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

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Antibiotic Prophylaxis, Surgery & Accountability »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page research paper that, first of all, addresses issues associated with antibiotic prophylaxis in surgical patients to prevent infections, but then relates this topic to issues of nursing accountability. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Nurse Retention and Teams Effects »

Number of Pages: 8

This 8 page paper presents a case history of one trauma center that decreased their turnover rate from 58 percent to 15 percent and have a list of nurses who want to work at the center. This essay reports the process this center used to develop empowered teams that led to such remarkable success. Bibliography ...

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Process of Becoming a Nurse Practitioner »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page paper provides an overview of the process of becoming a nurse practitioner and one person's individual view on why they would want to do this. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Ambulation »

Number of Pages: 10

A 10 page research paper that, first of all, offering analyses of normal gaits and dysfunctional gaits and then describes the use and application of the Emory Functional Ambulation Profile, which can be used by nurse and physical therapists to measure gait progress. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Example Case, Application of Critical Thinking, EBP »

Number of Pages: 5

This 5 page research paper describes a case study conducted by Lunney (2010) that demonstrates the applicability of critical thinking skills to the nursing diagnosis process, concluding that this utilization provides the ideal opportunity to employ evidence based practice (EBP) procedure. Bibliography lists only this source.

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Overview of Haddon's Matrix »

Number of Pages: 7

7 pages in length. According to Haddon's Matrix, injuries are caused by a combination circumstances and pre-existing conditions, also termed a chain of events. By employing the matrix as a means by which to identify causative factors for a local injury problem, the student will readily understand how this particular method is quite ...

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Overview of Respiratory Therapy »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page research paper that discusses respiratory therapy and how it differs between the environment of an acute care hospitals and that of a long-term care facility, such as a nursing home. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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Cultural Assessment of Family Nursing »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page paper discussing the case of an unmarried mother whose first baby has died of complications of birth defects. The mother is Caucasian, and the culture being assessed is that of poverty rather than of any specific ethnic group. The paper suggests that the family practice nurse encourage psychological counseling ostensibly ...

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Nursing Perspectives on the Case of Terri Schiavo »

Number of Pages: 10

A 10 page research paper that examines the case of Terri Schiavo, has been in vegetative state since a sudden heart attack in 1990 at the age of 26. Michael Schiavo, her husband, has been trying to have Terry's feeding tube removed, which would allow her to die. Blocking this action are Terri's parents, ...

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Nursing and Technology »

Number of Pages: 5

A paper which looks at the potentially dehumanising effects of technology in nursing, and considers the ways in which technology can be incorporated into holistic care plans. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Importance of Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page essay/research paper offers hypothetical reflection of how a nursing student might choose to address the task of describing how a course caused a shift in the student's perspective on evidence based practice and the role of research. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Four Nursing Theorists »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page paper that begins with a critique of the Web site for each four nursing theorists: Dr. Jean Watson, Dr. Betty Neuman, Honorary Dr. Dorothea Orem, and Dr. Madeleine Leininger. The paper continues with a brief overview of each theory and the writer's thoughts about the theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Abruptio Placentae »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper discussing the nursing management for a woman with placenta abruption, including incidence, risk factors, signs and symptoms, treatment options and maternal and fetal implications for placenta abruption. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Dreaming of Becoming a Nurse »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper which provides an essay sample of expressing a childhood dream of working in the nursing profession in the future. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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Nursing Philosophy and Occupational Focus »

Number of Pages: 4

This 4 page paper provides an overview of a philosophy on nursing and applies it to occupational focus. This paper relates theoretical views, including those of Jean Watson. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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The Field of Nursing and Issues of Aggregate Introduction and Diagnoses in Health Promotion »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper introducing an aggregate for an upcoming health promotion effort and stating three nursing diagnoses that will be addressed in the health promotion. The aggregate consists of those over 65 with heart disease; diagnoses include proper use of medication; importance of medication; and symptoms of stroke or heart attack. Bibliography ...

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Culturally Competent Nursing »

Number of Pages: 9

A 9 page paper that has four parts. The first reports the major components of Leininger’s transcultural nursing theory; the second discusses a real case with the application of Leininger’s theory; the third part discusses ethical, social, political, and economic factors related to the theory; and the last second discuss benefits and limitations. Bibliography ...

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An Ethical Dilemma Situation in Nursing »

Number of Pages: 2

A 2 page paper which examines the ethical dilemma posed by emotional involvement when treating a terminally-ill child, and how a nurse should act when handling such a tragic situation, in terms of both the patient and family members.

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Nursing-Sensitive Outcome Indicators »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses an assignment scenario that features an elderly Jewish man, who has been restrained, in terms of nursing-sensitive outcome indicators. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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2 Nursing Paradigm Models »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page research paper that analyzes Callista Roy's Adaptation Model as an example of the totality paradigm and Betty Neuman's Health Care Systems Model as an example of the simultaneity paradigm. The writer uses the nursing concept of living with changing expectations in regards to the treatment of diabetes mellitus in evaluating these two ...

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Number of Pages: 4

This 4-page paper examines the changes impacting nursing in the United States. Topics discused include the Affordable Care Act and pre-existing conditions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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IOM Report on the Future of Nursing »

Number of Pages: 4

This 4 page paper describes the key message inherent in the IOM 2011 report "The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health." Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Number of Pages: 3

This 3-page paper is an essay describing the problem of underpaid certified nursing assistants. The paper uses ethos, pathos and logos arguments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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