Nursing term paper on:
Effects of Stress

Number of Pages 5

Summary of the nursing paper:

A 5 page research paper that examines stress. Stress experience exists for “all human beings in all ages in varying degrees” (Lunney, 2006). It can be positive or negative producing both positive and negative effects. What is thought of as “stress” in the public mindset is actually stress overload, that is, which is what occurs when negative stressors become excessive. As established by Selye in the 1950s, this can produce “fight-or-flight response,” which if prolonged can lead to psychological and/or physical illness (Lunney, 2006). As this suggests, this topic is of particular interest to nursing because excessive stress has become so pervasive in contemporary society. Examination of literature pertaining to excessive stress reveals the physiological mechanisms that are triggered by stress, their effects both physically and psychologically, as well as suggests nursing interventions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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