Academic Term Papers and Essays
for Nursing Students

Choose from our selection of term papers and essays for Nursing Students.

Nursing Papers on:
Care for the Elderly At Home vs. Nursing Home


The Role of the Nurse Executive »

Number of Pages: 11

This 11 page paper provides an overview of the role of the nurse executive in the healthcare system. This paper considers the changing nature of this role in light of healthcare reforms. Bibliography lists 6 sources

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Is There a Need for Clinical Supervision »

Number of Pages: 10

This 10 page paper provides an overview of the issue of clinical supervision and argues that there is a need for clinical supervision in mental health nursing. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

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Nursing Case Study in Support of EBP »

Number of Pages: 16

This 16 page paper provides an overview of a case study for practice in the clinical setting. This paper reflects the importance of evidence-based practice in nursing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Aggressive Behaviors Against Nurses »

Number of Pages: 22

This 22 page paper provides an overview of the issue of aggressive behaviors in the emergency department, with a specific focus on the impact for nurses. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

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Nursing Research Critique »

Number of Pages: 7

This 5 page paper provides an overview of a research article in the field of nursing. This paper relates the major points of a quantitative research article, including the nature of the variables, the methods used, and the outcomes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Leadership Project for Nurse Leader-Manager »

Number of Pages: 5

This 5 page paper provides an overview of a project for a nurse leader-manager. This paper outlines some of the central points of the project and how it will be applied. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing: An Annotated Bibliography »

Number of Pages: 7

This 7 page paper is an annotated bibliography of articles related to ethical and legal issues in nursing. This annotated bibliography includes a total of 4 sources.

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Violence at Work: A Problem for Nurses »

Number of Pages: 6

This 6 page paper provides an overview of existing research on the issue of workplace violence for nurses. This paper reviews five research studies on the issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Uncertainty in Illness Theory/Merle H. Mishel »

Number of Pages: 9

A 9 page research paper that offers an overview of Merle H. Mishel's Uncertainty in Illness Theory and how it applies to rehabilitative practice in nursing. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

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Shortage or Registered Nurses »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page paper that discusses the shortage of registered nurses and the reasons for this shortage. The paper examines one journal article with supporting data. Potential solutions are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Farming, An Occupational Health Assessment »

Number of Pages: 6

This 6 page research paper offers a detailed evaluation, from a community health nursing perspective, of the risks involved with farming as a profession. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

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A Nursing Teaching Plan/Hand Scrub and Sterile Technique »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page research paper that provides a teaching plan for instructing nurses in the protocol for surgical hand scrub, gowning and gloving. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Culturally Competent Nursing »

Number of Pages: 9

A 9 page paper that has four parts. The first reports the major components of Leininger’s transcultural nursing theory; the second discusses a real case with the application of Leininger’s theory; the third part discusses ethical, social, political, and economic factors related to the theory; and the last second discuss benefits and limitations. Bibliography ...

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Nursing Professional Development, An Autobiography, »

Number of Pages: 7

This 7 page essay offers a student a example essay that the student can use as a guide when writing a personal autobiography of her/his professional development as a nurse. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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Nurse Attendees Responses to an Educational Program »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page paper looks at the results that may have been obtained from a questionnaire to assess the attendees reactions to a nurse training program. The questionnaire is implemented following a one day training program to prepare for implementing a fall prevention program.

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Values of a Nurse Educator »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page essay that discusses the values and traits associated with being a nursing educator. Learner responsibilities and the ideal professional setting selected by the student researching this topic are also discussed. No sources are cited.

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Nursing Leadership, an Interview »

Number of Pages: 4

This 4 page paper provides an example paper that the students can use as a guide in reporting an interview with a nursing leader, describing the leader's leadership style. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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Democratic Style of Nursing Leadership »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page reflective essay offers a hypothetical example of how a nursing manager might discuss use of the democratic leadership style. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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Delaware County Community College, An Overview »

Number of Pages: 6

This 6 page research paper offers an overview of Delaware County Community College, which includes the role of advanced practice nursing at this institution. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Transcultural Nursing »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper that reports and discusses the basic concepts in this nursing model. A real world cased is presented at the beginning and applying Leininger’s model to that case is at the end of the paper. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Nurse Educator, A Philosophy of Teaching »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page statement offers a student an example of how to state a personal philosophy of teaching as a nurse educator. The writer proposes using multiple intelligence (MI) theory and social learning (SL) theory and describes both perspectives. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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APRN Working to Their Full Extent »

Number of Pages: 10

A 10 page paper. Authorizing Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to diagnose and prescribe medications has been an issue of contention for many years. This position paper focuses on the state of Virginia and provides a definition and explanation of the issue, ethics regarding the issue, consequences if something is not changed, barriers, possible conflicts ...

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Not Enough Nurses »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper that provides statistical data on the nursing shortage and turnover. Causes are discussed and suggestions are made. A problem solving method is presented. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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APN Roles, an Overview »

Number of Pages: 5

This 5 page research paper pertains to, first of all, the requirements that pertain to licensure of APNs in the State of Idaho, as this pertains directly to the student researching this topic. Then, the writer addresses the emerging roles in regards to advanced practice nursing, APN role development from a theoretical perspective, and APN ...

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Caregiver Burnout, Compassion Fatigue »

Number of Pages: 6

This 6 page research paper offers an overview of nursing burnout and compassion fatigue. The writer discusses the warning signs of compassion fatigue/burnout; the nature and causes of associated problems; caregivers' physical, emotional, and spiritual needs; and coping strategies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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The Future of Nursing »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that offers a summation of "The Future of Nursing," a report produced collaborative by the the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) . The writer discusses how the recommendations of the IOM are being implemented by state-based action coalitions. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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Chief Nursing Officer »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page paper. The Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) is a supervising administrator in a medical facility, such as a hospital. This essay discusses issues related to the bureaucratic management style. It provides examples using the CNO. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Advanced Practice Nursing Roles »

Number of Pages: 5

This 5 page research paper pertains to various factors regarding the role of advanced practice nurses (APNs), with a particular emphasis on requirements for APN licensure in the State of Florida . Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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Nursing Director, Role and Description »

Number of Pages: 4

This 4 page research paper focuses on describing the qualities and attributes needed by a nursing director. The concluding page gives a recruitment plan for attracting this sort of individual. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Ethical Dilemma and School Nursing »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page essay offers a hypothetical situation in which a school nurse describes an ethical dilemma with a female Muslim student. The writer states the problem, offers resolution and the rationale for choosing this resolution. No bibliography is offered.

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Nursing and Transformational Leadership »

Number of Pages: 5

This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of transformational leadership in nursing. Beverly Malone is upheld as an example. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Guide to Nursing Leadership »

Number of Pages: 15

This is a 15 page paper that provides an overview of nursing leadership. The need to balance transformative and authoritarian styles is examined in depth. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

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Interprofessinal Collaboration »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page paper that uses the Future of Nursing report from the Institute of Medicine, Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The essay emphasizes interprofessional collaboration. The essay also comments on positive and negative communication climates and dealing with conflict. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Nursing Assessments Head to Toe »

Number of Pages: 4

This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of nursing assessments. An example of a head to toe assessment is given. Bibliography lists 0 sources.

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Education in Health Care »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page paper that discusses different aspects of health education: patient education, basic nursing education, community education, and staff education. The COPA model is explained. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Various Topics in DPN Practice »

Number of Pages: 10

This 10 page research paper address various topics applicable to DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) knowledge. Topics include social change, ethics, and opportunities in collaboration. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

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American Nursing Shortage »

Number of Pages: 8

This 8 page research paper offers and overview of the nursing shortage in the US. The writer provides a brief history of the shortage, its causes and proposed strategies for its solution. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Nursing Educators and Professional Focus »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page paper provides an overview of personal professional development for a nurse. This paper is an example of how to present a professional development paper, with specific examples. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Issues in Educating for Nurses »

Number of Pages: 10

A 10 page paper. This essay presents an overview of learning theories, the needs of diverse learners and how to recruit a more culturally diverse nursing population, motivation, and assessment. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

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Reflective Journal Entries, FNP Program Admission »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page paper offers students an example of how to compose reflective journal entries. Each of these 2 entries pertains to the student applying for admission to Family Nurse Practitioner degree programs at different universities. Bibliography lists 1 source.

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Overview of the American Nurses Association »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page research paper/essay offers a description of the American Nurses Association (ANA). The writer discusses its the organization's aim and activities, as well as its emphasis on evidence-based practice. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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Nurse Practitioner Interview »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page essay offers a hypothetical interview with a nurse practitioner in which the NP discusses her beliefs, attitudes and values. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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The Use of the Clicker System »

Number of Pages: 8

This 8 page paper provides an overview of the use of a clicker system as a technology in nursing education. The bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Tone and Expectations of Nursing Managers' Role »

Number of Pages: 5

This 5 page research paper pertains to the writer's opinion as to how it is the responsibility of nursing managers to establish the tone and expectations of clinical settings. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Entry Level for Nursing Practice, the BSN »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page research paper offers a discussion of the ongoing debate about making a bachelor of science degree in nursing (BSN) the minimum requirement for entry into nursings. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Advanced Practice Nursing, Various Issues »

Number of Pages: 10

This 10 page research paper address a variety of issues pertaining to advance practice nurses (APNs), such as scope of practice, engagement in research and promoting evidence-based practice, use of complementary therapies, among other topics. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

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Catheter-Associated UTI Training »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page paper that discusses several issues that apply to nursing education. They are: identifying the topic for training (catheter-associated urinary tract infections and their causes and prevalence), a comprehensive educational model that can be used, and an explanation of different motivational theories. Bibliography lists 6 sources. x

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Nursing College Faculty Roles »

Number of Pages: 3

This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of nursing faculty. The difference in roles at the two and four year level are explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Nursing Education and Technology »

Number of Pages: 4

This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of technology in nursing education. Various types of technology used are examined. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Nursing Literature - An Examination »

Number of Pages: 3

This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of nursing literature. The statistical tools used in a research study are identified. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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