Academic Term Papers and Essays
for Nursing Students

Choose from our selection of term papers and essays for Nursing Students.

Nursing Papers on:
Nursing Ethics Ending Life Support


Nursing Profession and Hispanics »

Number of Pages: 10

A 10 page overview of the shortage which currently exists for Hispanic nurses. The author suggests that the need for Hispanic nurses is growing in conjunction with the growing Hispanic population as this population presents unique cultural considerations which can best be addressed by someone of a similar cultural background. The contention is ...

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Nursing and Stress »

Number of Pages: 8

An 8 page paper defining stress, examining nursing literature addressing the problem and discussing implications for nursing. It is completely reasonable to attribute the continued shortage of nurses to recent increases in nursing burnout, at least in part. By definition, burnout results in part from having more to do than one person can ...

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Preventing Nursing Injury in the Workplace »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses how to prevent nursing workplace injuries, focusing on back and needlestick injuries. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Quality Improvement/Pressure Ulcers »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page research paper that discusses a quality improvement initiative for PU prevention in nursing home care. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Causes and Solutions Regarding Shortage of Nurses »

Number of Pages: 11

This 11 page paper explores the nursing shortage. Experts have predicted that the number of registered nurses will be at least 20 percent below the number needed by 2007. There are a number of reasons for this crisis. Fewer young people are choosing nursing as their career. Nurses do not receive adequate compensation. The ...

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Costs of Skilled Nursing Facilities and the Impact of the Shortage of Registered Nurses »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper assessing the value of instituting a primary nursing arrangement at a nursing home skilled nursing facility (SNF) to reduce the influence of the nursing shortage while also gaining more timely MDS/PPS/ RUG III reporting and therefore Medicare payments to the SNF. Of course the purpose of any SNF is to ...

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Nursing Competency and the Use of Technology »

Number of Pages: 6

An 8 page discussion of the need for technological competence in nursing. This paper asserts that utilizing technology to optimize patient outcome is directly dependent on a nurse’s competence with that particular technology. Because technology is changing on a daily basis in the medical environment, nursing competency is an ever evolving phenomena. ...

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Second World War and Changes to the Nursing Profession »

Number of Pages: 12

This paper examines now World War II changed nursing and helped the profession to mature.

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Patient Welfare, Health, and the Family Nurse Practitioner »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page discussion of the variety of responsibilities and issues facing the nurse practitioner in the contemporary health care environment. According to their nature these issues can either enhance or impede the role of the nurse practitioner in family practice. Client, health, environment, and nursing processes all interplay to impact overall patient ...

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Issues, Problems, and Solutions Regarding Nursing Shortages »

Number of Pages: 12

This is a 12 page paper discussing the current nursing shortage issues and proposed solutions within the profession. The United States is currently undergoing a nursing shortage which is expected to continue until the year 2020. Reasons for the shortage have been reported as: an ageing nursing population; an ageing and decreasing nursing education population; ...

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Hypertension Education for African American Patients »

Number of Pages: 10

A 10 page research paper that discusses a nursing educational intervention that is geared towards helping African Americans manage hypertension. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

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Leadership/Clinical Nurse Specialist »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that discusses the role of clinical nurse specialists in a hospital setting. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Leadership/Clinical Nurse Specialist »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that discusses the role of clinical nurse specialists in a hospital setting. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Nursing Theory Sites »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that summarizes and discusses 3 nursing theory sites. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Beehive Home Assisted Living Facility »

Number of Pages: 7

7 pages in length. For the most part, senior citizens are independent people who strive to maintain their independence in the face of physical and mental adversity; even after their spouses pass away, many continue to remain self-sufficient despite having ailing bodies and minds. When these conditions become too challenging - and even ...

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Reflection Process Recording »

Number of Pages: 3

3 pages in length. Much of life's attempts at communication is fraught with misunderstanding or misconstrue. In the field of nursing, this reality can be deadly. One of the many ways to uphold a working system of checks and balances is through the practice called process recording. Nursing - more than ...

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Nursing Practice Improvement and Qualitative Research's Importance »

Number of Pages: 5

This is a 5 page paper discussing the concept that qualitative research is more valuable than quantitative research for improving nursing practice. Quantitative research involving large scale surveys and methods of accumulating cost and performance data in the annual process of health care management is traditionally the most widely used research method and provides for ...

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Glittenberg, Transcultural Nursing in Guatemala »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page book review of Jody Glittenberg’s text To the Mountain and Back, The Mysteries of Guatemalan Highland Family Life (1994, Waveland Press), which describes how the author’s understanding of this culture evolves from her visits to Guatemala, which took place in the 1970s, first as a missionary nurse, and then as an ...

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Becoming a Nurse Manager »

Number of Pages: 7

This 7 page paper provides an overview of the role of a nurse manager and the salary and educational requirements. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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RN vs. BSN, Advantages for Nurses »

Number of Pages: 10

A 10 page research paper that discusses the reasons for obtaining a baccalaureate degree as an entry into nursing practice. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

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Spirituality in Nursing Practice - Literature Review »

Number of Pages: 13

This 13 page paper provides an overview of the nature of spirituality and the impacts for nursing practice. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

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Community Nursing/Social Ecology Model »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that discusses the Social Ecology Model and its applications to community nursing and health. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Chain of Command in Nursing »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses this concept in relation to nursing practice. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Nursing Philosophy for Professional Practice »

Number of Pages: 7

A 7 page research paper that discusses a student-formulated professional philosophy of nursing practice, which is that making clinical judgment decisions in nursing care should be comfort based and founded on an understanding and knowledge of the patient’s continuous evolving physical and mental state. This examination of literature discusses how this philosophy can be ...

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Nursing Knowledge Resources Online »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses various sites on the Internet where nursing knowledge is available. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Crimean War and Nightingale »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses Nightingale’s significance to nursing. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Nursing Theorist Websites »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that reviews several nursing theory websites. Bibliography lists 3 sources

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Nursing Shortage »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses the issues and proposed solutions for the current nursing shortage. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Nursing Professionalism »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper which examines the position of nursing professionalism. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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Family and Health Promotion »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses the centrality of families to health promotion and pediatric nursing care. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Effective Nursing Leadership, Management »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses the difference between nursing leadership and management and the use of power. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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Community Nursing and the Concepts of Community and Aggregates »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page paper discsuses the concepts of community and aggregates as they apply to community nursing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Nurse Staffing Issues »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that examines a variety of issues that relate to human resource management and nurse staffing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Nurse's Knowledge of Breast Cancer Screening »

Number of Pages: 12

This 12 page paper provides an overview of a research article on breast cancer and the role of nurse practitioners. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

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Comparing System Theories in Nursing »

Number of Pages: 4

This 4 page paper provides an overview of systems theories and the impacts that these have had on nursing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Hospital Administration »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses aspects of the role of CEO and aspects of nursing leadership. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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Christian Beliefs in Nursing »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses how Christian belief can shape nursing practice. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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H.R. 724/Nursing Education Act of 2009 »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that summarizes and discusses this nursing legislation, which is currently before Congress.

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Teenage Pregnancy »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page research paper that examines the problem of adolescent pregnancy and how nursing can address this problem. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Impact of Professional Development »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page research paper that addresses the importance of professional development for nurses. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

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Nursing Contracts »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page overview of several different types of nursing contracts. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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Nursing Theory/Florence Nightingale »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that discusses the contributions of Florence Nightingale to nursing theory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Nursing Staff and Significance of Diversity »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses the importance of ethnic and cultural diversity to nursing staff. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Number of Pages: 4

This 4-page paper discusses the economics of potential nursing shortage. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Transactional and Transformational Nursing Leadership »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page research paper that discusses how the transactional and transformational leadership styles can be applied to nursing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Nursing at Good Sam »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page paper discusses the history and mission of the Good Samaritan College of Nursing in Cincinnati, Ohio. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Inferential Statistics and Nursing Research »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses how inferential statistics are used in nursing research. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Becoming a Nursing Advocate »

Number of Pages: 4

This 4 page paper emphasizes the importance of nursing advocacy for the disabled in the clinical and other environments. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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Number of Pages: 9

This 9-page paper discusses shortages in nursing, and suggestions for recruiting and retention. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Number of Pages: 3

This 3-page paper argues that advance nurse practitioners (ANP) should earn more money, closer to what physicians earn. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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