Academic Term Papers and Essays
for Nursing Students

Choose from our selection of term papers and essays for Nursing Students.

Nursing Papers on:
A Model of Self Care for an AIDS Patient


Applying Virginia Henderson's Nursing Theory »

Number of Pages: 3

3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses Henderson's theory as it is applied to an attempted suicide patient. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Advanced Practice Nurse And Informatics »

Number of Pages: 7

A 7 page paper that first reports the setting-an individual has applied for an APN position in the described physician's office. The first section describes the writer's vision of the most effective use of communication and information technologies in this office. The vision includes scanning all documents into a patient's file, networking all PCs ...

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Maslow And Nursing »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page paper that begins with an introduction to Maslow's hierarchy and then briefly explains each of the levels in the hierarchy. The writer then discusses the implications of the theory to nursing, emphasizing the need for nurses to remember what level most of their patients are on. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Nurse Staffing Ratios »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses mandatory nurse-to-patient ratios, the experience of the State of California, whether other state are following suit, and deduction from relevant literature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Economic Indicators 2006 »

Number of Pages: 9

A 9 page paper examining three forecasts for each of 5 economic indicators and then relating those findings to the medical industry. The bottom line in nursing is that (1) currently active, practicing nurses have a wealth of opportunity available to them; (2) the profession is attracting greater interest among would-be students who could ...

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CC vs. Med-Surg Units/Job Satisfaction »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page research paper that investigates the differences in nursing job satisfaction between critical and med-surg units. Within the framework of a research project, the writer hypothesizes that as there are different working conditions in these units, such as patient-to-nurse ratios and management styles, there are also differences in nursing job satisfaction. Bibliography ...

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Nursing Leadership Attributes »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discusses nursing leadership attributes. The writer defines leadership and then discusses how thinking pro-actively and conducting risk assessment can facilitate a nurse showing leadership and being a successful advocate for patients. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Nursing Case Mgmt./Asthma »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that discusses nursing case management in regards to asthma patients, with particular focus on schools and pediatric case management of asthma. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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HMOs and Metaparadigms of Nursing »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that, first of all, defines the four basic concepts of nursing, which are health, patient, environment and nursing, and then discusses how they relate to the health insurance industry and HMO organizations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Various Types of Nursing Roles »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that looks at various nursing roles. A pertinent question to nursing practice is what, specifically, should a patient expect from his/her nurse. This question can be examined from the standpoint of the scope of nursing practice for both registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice nurses, such as nurse practitioners (NPs). ...

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Nursing and Distance Education »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page paper that discusses the need for interactivity in distance education courses and how that can be enhanced through different instructional strategies. The paper provides examples in the field of nursing. The paper also provides one example of how distance learning can be used with patients. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Medication Administration, Risk Management, and Nursing Responsibilities »

Number of Pages: 3

3 pages in length. The years of experience behind a seasoned nurse does not preclude him or her from making grave medication errors, an occurrence considered "one of the most common causes of unintentional harm in Australia" (Bronger, 2003). Anyone at any time who has the responsibility to administer medication can make a ...

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Nursing Programs and Reflective Practice and Critical Thinking Connection »

Number of Pages: 3

3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses how the fundamental basis of a nurse's role is to establish a tangible connection between patient and nurse, while at the same time providing an atmosphere of safety and service combined, all of which can only occur in the presence of critical thinking. Bibliography lists ...

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Ethical Dilemma Pertaining to a Do Not Resuscitate Order »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses a case study in which there is dissension over a DNR order, the terminally ill patient requests it, but his wife talks him out of it. The writer offers a possible solution/nursing intervention discussed in nursing literature. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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Type 2 Diabetes »

Number of Pages: 10

This 10 page paper begins with an overview of diabetes, explaining the disease, the types and the incidence. The paper then focuses on Type II diabetes, symptoms, diagnosis, complications, treatment and other risk factors. The next section discusses how nurses help in the management of the illness and the final section discusses the importance of ...

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Case Analysis of the Human Caring Theory of Jean Watson »

Number of Pages: 7

This is a 7 page paper which applies Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring to a extended medical care case. The bibliography has 5 sources.

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Multiple Sclerosis Client Case Study Patient Assessment »

Number of Pages: 7

This 7 page paper provides a fictitious case study of a young woman presenting with MS symptoms. How a nurse can counsel this patient with the newly diagnosed disorder is the focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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American Leadership as Personified by Steve Jobs and Virginia Henderson »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that profiles 2 American leaders: Steve Jobs of Apple Computers and nursing theorist and innovator Virginia Henderson. The writer offers a profile of each leader and argues that these two individuals exemplify leadership qualities. Henderson's work changed the entire perspective of modern day nursing, making it more patient-oriented and humanistic. ...

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Nursing Korean and Russian Patients and Cultural Competence »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page research paper that examines cultural competence in regard to these patient populations. The writer first defines cultural competence and then discusses Korean and Russian health and cultural beliefs. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Nursing Paradigm Concepts and Leininger's Theory »

Number of Pages: 10

A 10 page paper discussing the concepts of person, nursing, environment and health of the nursing paradigm, from the perspectives of personal conviction and Leininger’s theory. Certainly intercultural nursing can be accomplished using other theories, but Leininger’s is the most complete culturally. Cultural awareness can be expected only to gain in importance in ...

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JCAHO's HF1 Core Measure and Hoshin Planning »

Number of Pages: 7

A 7 page paper discussing JCAHO’s HF-1 core measure, which is discharge instruction for patients with heart failure. Following a description of the measure and discussion of its value, the paper applies hoshin planning analysis to the core measure to identify “breakthrough areas” that can enhance the hospital’s position with its customers and with ...

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JCAHO's Core Measure Heart Failure Process Implementation »

Number of Pages: 7

A 7 page paper discussing implementation of JCAHO’s core measure process for heart failure (HF). The HF-l core measure addresses discharge instructions to HF patients, and the paper provides a plan for implementing that core measure. It addresses creating a system, training staff members to use it and the changes that can be ...

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Informed Consent and Nursing »

Number of Pages: 11

An 11 page research paper in which the writer argues that nurses have a duty not to passively accept the position that they cannot alter the monolithic nature of "the system" and should be advocates for their patient's right to informed consent. The historical understanding nature of informed of consent is explored, as well as ...

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'Con' Argument on Quotas in Nursing »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page research paper in outline form that argues the "con" position in the debate concerning the efficacy of legislated nurse/patient ratios. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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Article on Bypass Surgery Critiqued »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page article critique of a study conducted by McHugh, et al (2001) concerning a nursing intervention for patients waiting for coronary artery bypass graft surgery. No additional sources cited.

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Nursing's Core Values »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page paper providing annotation of two main sources followed by discussion of application to the current nursing profession. The founder of modern nursing; theorists writing more than two decades ago; and current patients all agree on the worth of the core values of nursing. Technology and environment change, but core values ...

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2005's Safe Nursing and Patient Act, Legal and Ethical Concerns »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page research paper that considers the impact, ethical and legal ramifications of the Safe Nursing and Patient Act of 2005, which is designed to limit the amount of overtime required by employers of their nursing staff. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Reviews of 8 Diabetes Education Articles »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper reporting the basics of 8 articles on diabetes education of staff nurses and patients. Article information is presented in table form only (no text explanations) including author, theory, objective, method, data analysis and findings. Some articles include notes on personal thoughts. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

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Nursing Application Degree Essay »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page nursing degree program essay. The essay stresses motivation and dedication as strengths, and lack of knowledge of nursing theory and the means of putting it into practice as weaknesses. The applicant states, “I seek to augment the knowledge and experience I already possess with learning on levels I have not ...

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Program Proposal for Diabetes Education »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page paper discussing the rationale for a program educating practicing nurses in advancements in knowledge of diabetes management. Though the long term effects of diabetes have been known for years, its specific causes still remain elusive in many respects. There is no cure as yet, but new and effective management techniques ...

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Behavior Impropriety and Nursing Ethics »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page paper discussing the case of Mr. S, who had been admitted to the Emergency Department after suffering a fall. The physician on duty took inappropriate action and the patient died. The nurse on duty knew the details of the case and heard the physican lie to Mrs. S. The ...

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Instructional Approaches Assessed »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page paper discussing lecture and group discussion teaching formats for additional nurse training in education of diabetic patients. The paper provides advantages, disadvantages and evaluation options for each method. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Patient Autonomy and Nursing Student Ethics Article »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper which critiques a student paper supporting the position that the primary responsibility of a nurse or healthcare professional is to the patient and these wishes take precedence over those of the family and community. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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4 Nursing Metaparadigms Defined »

Number of Pages: 5

5 pages in length. The fundamental purpose of nursing symbolizes significantly more than merely administering medications and treatments; rather, the entire strength of nursing is based much more within the psychological components of the patient/caregiver relationship than most people realize. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Nursing Journal Critique Upon Cancer Patient Treatment Through Therapeutic Massage »

Number of Pages: 3

This 3 page paper gives a professional review/critique of a nursing journal article/case study on the use of massage therapy by nurses in the treatment of cancer patients. Bibliography lists 1 source.

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Nursing and Family's Role »

Number of Pages: 4

This 4 page paper looks at the role of the family from a nursing perspective, considering the psychological, the sociological and social factors that will impact on the family and therefore the patient. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

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Study on Health Status and Participation Critiqued »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page paper analyzing a study in nursing research published in a journal in 2004. The implications for nursing is that nurses should seek to reinforce patients’ decisions to initiate health behaviors at the outset, in an effort to call them back to the place where they applied critical thinking skills to arrive ...

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Nursing Reflections »

Number of Pages: 7

A 7 page paper reflecting on experiences with elderly patients, especially those confined to a skilled nursing facility (SNF). These individuals would prefer to be elsewhere, of course, but most determine to be as positive as possible given their circumstances. The paper is the product of personal reflection that mentions Erickson and Orem, ...

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Nursing Responses to Healthcare Cultural Differences »

Number of Pages: 4

This four-page-paper presents an overview of an article from a medical journal regarding the treatment of a Jehovah Witness who suffered post surgical complications. In accordance to the patient's advance directives no blood products were given to her even though excessive bleeding during surgery caused her to become severely anemic. The medical staff managed to ...

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Nurses and Workplace Situations »

Number of Pages: 8

An 8 page outline of a number of different situations a nurse can encounter in the workplace. Relates examples of both ethical and cultural dilemmas which can have a direct impact on the nurse/patient relationship and consequently on the healing process. Emphasizes that professional ethics, knowledge, and a fluidity in approach are prerequisites of ...

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Nursing and Secondhand Smoke »

Number of Pages: 10

A 10 page research paper on the dangerous effects of secondhand smoke and some of the measures that nursing professionals can/should take to educate patients and to protect non-smokers. It is stressed that nursing students in particular, should make an effort to better-educate themselves about the ails of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Bibliography lists 7 ...

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Nursing and Issues of Confidentiality »

Number of Pages: 7

This 7 page paper addresses the dilemmas nurses face in terms of divulging information which was told to them in confidence. The importance of nurse-patient trust is weighed against the decision to break confidentiality in unusual circumstances. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Perspectives on Community Nursing »

Number of Pages: 8

This 8 page paper provides an overview of what occurs during an educational interaction between a patient and a student nurse that did not go well, identifies some of the factors that prevented a successful outcome, and applies theories regarding cultural diversity and transcultural and multicultural approaches to addressing the problem. This paper also ...

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An Ethical Dilemma Situation in Nursing »

Number of Pages: 2

A 2 page paper which examines the ethical dilemma posed by emotional involvement when treating a terminally-ill child, and how a nurse should act when handling such a tragic situation, in terms of both the patient and family members.

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Patient's 'Right to Die' and the Legality of Nursing Responsibility »

Number of Pages: 2

A 2 page paper which examines the legal actions which has affected a patient’s right to die, and the responsibility of nurses when confronted with this issue. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Overview of Preterm Labor Treatment and the Role of an OB Nurse »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper discussing preterm labor. Preterm labor and births still account for more than 75 percent of infant morbidity. Despite more than four decades of research, medical scientists have not been able to reduce the rate of preterm labor. Technological advances, have, however, increased the survival rate of premature infants. This essay discusses ...

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Child with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Nursing Theory Application Assessment »

Number of Pages: 10

This 10 page paper provides an overview of the application of nursing theories to a treatment plan for child with ALL. This paper considers the application of Watson’s holistic nursing approach and the integration towards patient assessment. In addition, elements of ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, are also assessed. Bibliography lists 10 sources. ...

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Terminally Ill Patient, a Nurse's choice Not to Resuscitate, and the Resulting Lawsuit »

Number of Pages: 6

A 6 page paper that considers a specific civil law suit that resulted from a nurses choice not to resuscitate a terminally ill patient. This paper considers the reasons behind the loss of her job and a law suit filed against the hospital for their negligence. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

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Mothers, Epidurals, and Nursing Effectiveness »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page discussion of the complications that can be caused to delivering women and their babies by administration of epidural analgesia. The writer argues that there are several ways in which nurses can be effective in dealing with this problem, the most important one of which is educating their patients in this problem and ...

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Role of Duties in the Burnout Problem of Nurses »

Number of Pages: 5

5 pages in length. There exists an inherent connection between those who enter the nursing field and their desire to help others. They discover that the best way to make a difference in someone's life is to be there in their most desperate of times. This is why nursing is such a ...

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