Academic Term Papers and Essays
for Nursing Students

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Nursing Papers on:
The Controversy of Euthanasia


Nurse's Views on Euthanasia »

Number of Pages: 8

An 8 page discussion of the ethics of euthanasia as it impacts the nursing profession. This paper contends that in some situations euthanasia could be considered morally and ethically right. At the same time, however, the author cautions that the appropriateness of euthanasia must be considered on a case by case basis. ...

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Euthanasia's Pros and Cons »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper which examines the pros and cons of euthanasia from a nursing perspective. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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Nursing Practice and the Opposition of Euthanasia »

Number of Pages: 9

This 9 page paper examines the euthanasia issue. How nurses can embrace values and encourage life is the focus of this paper. Attention to culture is provided. Euthanasia is defined and explored. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Conflicting Ethics, Euthanasia, and Nursing »

Number of Pages: 8

An 8 page essay that examines the moral dilemmas faced by nurses as they try to reconcile the Nurse's Code to euthanasia and the right to die issue. Discussed are the three ethics of autonomy, beneficence, and nonmaleficence and how these ethics should be applied in situations involving euthanasia. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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Mandated Nurse-to-Patient Ratios, The Debate »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that presents the history and controversy that is associated with mandatory nursing staffing ratios, which concludes by offering the writer's opinions on the subject based on the research presented.

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Nursing Applications and the Ethics of Stem Cell Research »

Number of Pages: 10

A 10 page overview of stem cell research as it applies to nursing. This paper provides an overview of the controversy surrounding stem cell research then justifies the process under John Stewart Mill’s utilitarian theory. A review of the advances which have been made is provided as is an overview of current and ...

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Psychiatric Nursing's Role »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page research paper that examines the role and development of psychiatric nursing practice over the last several decades. A review of literature pertaining to this topic reveals that there has been an ongoing controversy between two major models of psychiatric nursing practice, the medical model and a humanistic model. The literature review caused ...

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A Leaflet Explaining the Impact of Mandated Nurse to Patient Ratios in the Health Industry »

Number of Pages: 5

This 5 page paper is written as a brochure to explain the development of mandated nurse to patient ratios in California, explaining the development of the regulations, looking at the controversy and considering the impact. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

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Nursing/Entry into Practice »

Number of Pages: 3

A 3 page research paper that discussing the controversy over educational entry levels into nursing practice. The writer defines and describes the three entry levels and then discusses the debate before offering an opinion. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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Field of Nursing and Education Importance »

Number of Pages: 6

This 6 page paper looks at educational models, with a focus on the ADN degree. Questions regarding competence, as well as whether or not nursing programs should impose limits, and what type of degree should be required, are discussed. Both sides of controversies in nursing education, as seen through the eyes of health care administration, ...

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Euthanasia and the Law »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper which discusses the present condition of euthanasia as it involves the average individual, the nurse, and the legal industry. Illustrations, descriptions, and opinions are provided, as well as a brief discussion which investigates possible approaches for the legal community in relationship to euthanasia. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Nursing Participant Observation Controversy and Qualitative Research »

Number of Pages: 13

13 pages in length. Qualitative research explores an area, collects data through observations and interviews with people and generates hypotheses. Working in the opposite direction as the quantitative research, in this method the researcher would first explore the geographic location collecting the data through interviews and observation, and then generate a hypothesis based on ...

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Ethical Views on Euthanasia »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper discussing the issue of the ethics of euthanasia within a nursing context. The paper presents philosophical argument, but one author notes that those nurses unable to come to terms with agreed-on procedures should disqualify themselves from cases employing those procedures. Whereas the physician of record has the privilege of and ability to ...

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Assisted Suicide and the Nursing Profession »

Number of Pages: 4

A 4 page paper which provides a detailed explanation of the issue, discusses why this topic in particular was chosen, relates how the issue affects the nursing profession and considers the issue’s societal/community impact. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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Euthanasia and Role of Nursing »

Number of Pages: 5

A 5 page paper which discusses the role of nursing in relationship to issues involving euthanasia concerns. Illustrations, descriptions, and opinions are provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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Nursing's Legal Issues »

Number of Pages: 10

This 10 page paper looks at a the arguments presented in a legal brief asking the court to rule on the participation of nurses in a court ordered euthanasia by depriving the patient of food and water. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

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Twenty First Century RN Labor Market »

Number of Pages: 12

A 12 page paper discussing the outlook for registered nurses in the upcoming century. There is a great amount of controversy and evidence that illustrates the nursing industry will suffer greatly as a result of the change in medical funding and the economics of health. But on the other hand there is an equal amount of information that illustrates ...

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A Consideraiton of the ANA Code for Nursing »

Number of Pages: 8

An 8 page paper which illustrates some of the most recent concerns involving the ANA Code for Nursing. This is a document that was designed in 1976 and it sets forth all of the ethical concerns that nurses should consider when performing their duties as nurses. The focus of the paper centers around the issues that are not included ...

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